Issue 8: A Debt Repaid and other News

Life has been a very wild ride these last few months. There have been two cons and in less than a week another one. I enjoy the travel and the visits with fans and friends, but it does wear one down.  Yet I have been busy and there are some exciting events happening on the horizon. Well there are some exciting events happening right now.

Issue 8:A Debt Repaid NEWS
Well Issue 8 is on the way from the printer. Man am I excited. For one, I have a hard time imagining that I have finished 8 comic books for a total of 304 pages. Yes I know the story was a little slow in the beginning, but it was done for a reason. As you read Issue 8 you will see why I took my time to develop this tale. Issue 8 is now on sale as well. Which you can buy here.

304 pages is a lot let me tell, yet it has also helped me develop a stronger work ethic. What most do not realize is that I have to finish 40 pages in 12 weeks, a cover, and all commissions and prints in that time period. Plus maintain an update schedule, be a dad and continue to put food on the table. (Yes balance is possible). So this brings me to our next bit of info.

Issue 9:Tears in the Dark.
Production is in full swing. I have found my groove and I am really enjoying it. Even if I have to put everything on hold for SDCC next week. I am 16 pages into the book and I am averaging about 4 a week or so if not more. I actually match my production schedule to my weekly updating schedule. (3 pages a week). Once I have the correct number of pages I put them in a book. This allows me to keep telling the story.

Now the Big NEWS
Bean Volume 1: Riddles and Shrooms.
Yup it is time to start putting the books together. This is going to be a really fun adventure and your support of the prints and comics are making it possible. Volume 1 will contain the first 4 comics. No color yet. Once Volume 1 comes out I will discontinue issue 1 through 4 – So if you are missing those get the quick, because I am running out. I will also post the new cover in a few weeks. This is a huge step for the Bean and it fills my original vision for the comics. I am still short on funding, I am not asking for donations, just pick up a print or two or a maybe a book and help us along.

San Diego Comic Con
The con of all cons. Yup this is the mother of all shows. If you are going come by the booth E11 and say hi. I would love to hang out, chat for a moment and even draw you a FREE SKETCH. I am there all 5 days. I will be sending a map with the con email next week. I’ll even add a few people to visit and special coupon for the show. Plus we will find out if we win the eisner or not.

Well I have probably talked your ear off. So Sit back and enjoy the show. Keep Creating
