Every now and then I start talking shop. Talking Shop is about my experiences, thoughts and other tidbits on the comic and webcomic industry as a whole. I figured it would be best to link everything in one place for easy reading. Now mind you, this is my opinions and what works for me might not work for you, so like all advice it should be taken with a grain of salt.

I hope you enjoy what you read and feel free to ask questions, I will try and answer any one that is asked. As my ramblings continue, I will link them up here, when they are done. I might even link a few to a few friends of mine who also have some good advice for those jumping into the hard but fantastic venue of webcomics.


I am adding videos now to shop talk. I am having a lot of fun with this. I hope you enjoy what you see.

Keep Creating-





NEW! Shop Talk: The power of Webcomics for indy’s

NEW! Shop Talk: Running a successful kickstarter project

Shop Talk: What kills a webcomic- open discussion……

Webcomics: Color or Black/White and other Observations (new)

Playing RPG’s with the regular guy….

Why I read Tolkien each year….

Adding the little things…

Understanding the Web and why post for FREE?

Talking Shop: Webcomics…..

It’s the little things….details

the Soundtrack to Bean….

the art of creating epics… or mine anyways.

Raising the Bar of Webcomics….

A break in the hunt…. Q & A with Trav

Learning the game….

Finding the magic…..

A moment to ponder…

Your Adventure: Creating your story….

What makes a webcomic work?