Emerald City Comicon

Well the adventure begins this weekend and boy am I excited. There are some pretty cool things going on up there this weekend and if you are in Seattle Mar 3 through the 6th stop by and hang out with all the cool comic personalities and actors. Bean will be up there as well. So whats going on with the bean?

Well here is all the info.

We are at BOOTH 309. As usual I will be sketching for FREE to anyone that stops by the table and asks. Keep it clean:).

Also ISSUE 7 debuts at this show

I will put this up after the show next week.

I also have an exclusive print this year for ECCC . It is part of the Monster Dames book they do every year. We have 35 extra prints this year. They are exclusive to this show. So if you want one, that’s where you have to be.

I am also on 2 panels this year. The first is friday night at 7 called : “Taking your Fantasy Worlds to Realty” and the second is “Con Horror Stories” Which I will be sunday at noon.

So come on by – for free sketches, limited prints and new comics.

See you there.
