Issue 5 Released Today

Today has been a mixture of happiness and immense frustration. Don’t get me started on car repair places, I am so frustrated I could just spit. Yet that is not really what I wanted to promote today. So on to the BIG BIG news.

Issue 5 releases today (spoilers on the cover). Issue 5 continues the saga of Bean and his adventures. Though as you might guess things are not going so well for our young hero.  I am really pleased to see this come out today. It marks a huge milestone for me in my drive to tell this story and inspires me to continue pushing forward.

If you want to know where issue 5 is to the current web updates, well, Issue 5 web will actually start updating online somewhere in September so if you want to know what happens and do not want to wait you will have to buy the series. It does get a little dangerous, if you get my drift and sneaked a peak at the cover.

Issue 5 also completes the first book of the written series. I am now working on issue 6 which is the first part of the “Lost prince of darkleaf”.

If you want a hard copy of the series here are all the covers.

Each issue is 40 pages in length with a wrap around color cover. I left the inside covers blank so I could sketch in them for anyone that would like a sketch. I wanted to create a quality piece that would honor, what you read on line. This to me is the dream to tell good stories and inspire others to do the same.

It is your support that keeps me creating and I thank you for that. So on to issue 6 and 7 (which I am scripting now.) More art to come….
