Looking for ideas:) POST THEM BELOW

This is the week before the Phoenix Comic Con. I am really looking forward to hanging out with all the wonderful people there and sketching like a madman. It’s gonna be a fantastic weekend.

So the week before shows and usually after a book has gone to press (which issue 5 did yesterday) I usually take the time to draw for me. Hence all the b/w pieces you see popping up. It allows me to replenish the creative juices for a bit and helps me refocus on the bean.

So I’m looking for ideas, I would love to hear your thoughts. If you look through my black and white work, you’ll get an idea that it is a simple piece.  Not that I will draw all of them, but I might draw a few of them. Get creative and use your imagination. I am though not doing portraits, because I do want to, nor will I do something  that is not fantasy related.

So if you have a cool fantasy idea, or a creature, or a hero or a myth or something that you like me to sketch up just let me know. I am dedicated this week to fun art.

Issue 5 update- it has gone to press. I will have it back next week.
