Testing it all out

Hey guys, thanks for the notes and suggestions. It is really helping me figure things out here, to make this site a much more enjoyable place to hang out.

Right now I am really excited about being able to do things I was not able to do before on my other site and I think this has really helped take better control of my project.

Your feed back is so needed and very appreciated and I would hope you would take a moment and comment, help me find the bugs and get things working smoother. I would love to see things you would like me to do to make this a better place. Also do not be afraid to comment on the story and the comic. It helps me continue to tell a better tale. I will always try to comment back. I promise.

A few things I am working on that hopefully will make this a better place to hang out.

1. Custom Avatars for comments.  I figure it would be appropriate to have a bunch of custom avatars.

2. The Store. I just need fix a few things and the store will be up and running hopefully in a few days. I will be reworking the entire product selection and layout, so that you can leave feedback on products, reviews and a bunch of other fun things.

3. Fixing the comment section in the Art Gallery. Right now the comments run through all the galleries. So if you comment on the main gallery, you will see the same comments on individual pieces. I think I know how to fix that, but it might take me a bit. So be patient.

Thanks again for all the help, the patience and all the fun, here is to continue to making this an incredible adventure.
