Getting Ready for PRESS!

The big news is that issue 5 is getting ready to head to press.

This is a huge milestone for me as I plug on through my adventure. I could never make it past the 2nd book each time I started this adventure and yet now I am sending issue 5 to press and I am on page 9 of Issue 6 (which I started yesterday).

That means that issue 5 should be done in 2 weeks.  You can check out the cover art by just clicking on the illustration below. As you can tell our young hero is in a bit of a jam. Yet I believe that trials are for our benefit and growth and our young bean needs to grow a bit.

As for other adventures, that I will be attending to this month. The Phoenix Comic Con is happening. It happens to be one of my favorite shows all year. This year I am offering a very special print for that show. It will be one of a kind and limited to only 150 for that show. I might do a variation of it one day, yet this one is just for this show. The show is memorial day weekend so if you are in Phoenix stop by and get a FREE Sketch as well. Yes I sketch for FREE at every show. I will also be on two panels that weekend so if you want to hear my thoughts on fantasy art, and other tidbits come by for a listen. You check out a larger version of the print below.

Any ways I look forward to finishing things up on 5, like I said it goes to press on thursday or so. If you are wondering where the webcomic relates to the printed pieces – well you are about two books behind:). So if you want to catch up with everyone else just stop by the store and get your copies today. They come signed with custom art inside.

Well enough yapping and back to creating. Keep imagining and enjoy what life has to bring.


The store link is right here!