The Greatest Treasure

To me the greatest treasures are the gems you raise yourself. They are each unique and so full of life and too often neglected. If we each took a moment from our very busy adventures and just spent a little time with these jewels we might see life in a whole new life.

Some of the greatest moments of my life have been nothing more than a cuddling one of my children. There is such a peaceful healing that seems to take place in those special moments.

As they grow older, those refining moments come in many other adventures that seem to test one’s patience. Yet if we took a moment and remembered that we are the ones that cultivated these young personalities by our own actions, we might be a little more sympathetic to their plight. I would hate for any adventurer to loose those gems most precious in their treasury either by neglect or just throwing them away.

There are a great many things one can learn from these incredible persons and in fact if we but listen, we too might become the learner and solver some of the problems we face in life. So treasure them, nurture them and love them and in time they will become your most valuable possessions.
