Phoenix Comic Con update 2-

Good morning – and yes it is a good morning.

Well today is the last day of the con. I am a little tired, but I must say this on fantastic show. They have run this show so well and everyone is so nice, that is no wonder I choose to come here each year and will continue to do so.

This will be a quick update, do to the fact we are packing up to head over to the hall. My blog tomorrow, will be a much more detailed recap of all the wonderful things that have happened here. Yet I must say as we left dinner last night, we were treated by a kid being taken out in handcuffs from the geek prom, while is kitty kat girlfriend skittered behind him with a pitiful look in her eyes. It was interesting sight to behold.

Ok the current sketch count is 617. Will I get to a 1000? That remains to be seen, Yet I am on track to do so. The cool thing is last year I did 650 sketches at the phoenix con and today hasn’t even started yet. We are planning to beat those numbers today.

Like I said I will give a much more detailed account of the show, when I get settled. Have a wonderful day and keep creating.
