the bean in color?

Sorry for the tease. I would love to do the books in color, yet for me to do that, there would have to be a few changes. Changes that I would consider fair between all parties involved, until I find a colorist.

For me to color the books, which I am planning to do after they are finished would take a bit about two to three hours a page. Page one took two hours. I would be force to one comic page update a week- if you are all willing. This means the story is going to drag a little more.  The fate of that is in your hands. I do though or would consider color one page a week from the beginning and update one colored page a week. Maybe on wed.

A few things to consider, the books are still be printed in b/w. I cannot afford to print them in color so I will not. Please do not be upset by this. Until another publishing house picks up the bill, I am at the mercy of sales. So the series will be b/w until I bound them together. The books we sell the quicker it will be to make a larger color version of the books.

Color is an after thought for me. It’s all about time. Many people have bought issue 5 and are expecting issue 6. (we are only in the beginning of issue 4 online) I owe it to them to keep the story going.

I am willing though to hear your thoughts. Tell me what you think and if you like it.
