The Bean Vol 1: Riddles and Shrooms hits the $5000 mark

The Bean vol 1: Graphic Novel Kickstarter project makes the $5000 mark.

We the made the $5000 goal in 20 days. I am really jazzed and humbled by all the support. Now we have to wait the other 40 days before the project closes.

This creates an unique opportunity. If you want to still pledge to this project, get a few free books and have your name printed in the books, please do so.

You can continue to pledge here.

I realized that there now is a chance to print the second vol of the bean as well. Total cost for both books will be about $11000. So I might go for that. Especially since book 1 has funded all ready. What I will offer if we hit that mark is the following.

for every pledge, if we make enough to print both books. I will add the second book to each pledge.

So if you pledge $15 you get vol 1&2.

If you pledge 30 you will get vol 2 added to your reward and so forth.

If you have pledged $50 you will get 4 issues of vol 2 as well. I figure that is a fair deal. I will just match what vol 1 t0 the different pledges.

If we dont make it we will put the overage towards vol 2 and print it later in the year.

Thanks again for all the wonderful support and helping this dream become a reality. I will posting print eta etc soon.
