wondercon update day 2

Wonder Update Day 2

Wow, that is all I can say, what a day.

had a nice chat with some old friends and met a lot of new ones, with several great highlights. Since I sketch for FREE I usually am not able to get up from the booth. That’s straight 9 hours sitting at the table. Yet that’s what makes it fun.

The custom b/w inks are flying- so hopefully I will get some new ones done.

So what are the highlights.

Well 1st I received some great artwork from some very young artists. That’s makes my day, yes I sketch for FREE at the shows, but the true highlights are when they come up to me with a free sketch.

So what the sketch total for the day? Well the total is 450. It’s nice having a clicker.

Other than that the show has been fantastic. It has been really nice and kudos to the SDCC Crew that has put this all together.


Current Sketch count 450