new color page and bean commentary- spoilesque questions allowed

Hi all.

New color page is and issue 6 should go on sale monday. I am excited about that.

For the new page just click the image.

As you can see Ben, just keeps making the story stronger and stronger.

So let’s talk Bean. With 151 pages up I bet there are a few questions people  might have about the world, races, people…etc., and I am feeling inclined to answer a few. So be ware there might be and prob will be some spoilers in the comment section.

Does this mean though I will answer every question. Maybe not, I am one that does not like to ruin a story, yet I don’t mind giving tidbits etc… I like this better than commentary as well, since I am so far down the road on the story (I am illustrating page 225 right now). Honestly my main goal is to keep the tale moving.

Now, lets talk Bean, his world, and maybe some tidbits about the world etc… but I want the questions to come from you. You can ask more than one as well.
