Today we updated page 512 of my comic. What an accomplishment and still many more pages to go. So to celebrate here’s a special deal for those looking at picking up hard copies of my comic book series. Until August 30th, if you type in the code: SpecialBookdealVictoria you’ll get 15% off all Bean Comics […]
I can’t believe we are over 530 pages. Pretty awesome. Also we are still working out bugs and other issues – plus looking at ways to enhance the site even more. Your suggestions are much appreciated. Also I have several NEW shop talks up about comics, facebook and establishing yourself as an artist. You can […]
I can't say enough good things about the atmospherics of your art. It's so immersive!
Sven Böttcher
the young Hero find “the sword” and must proof himself against a huge Monster. Hmm.. with the last Page i hear the “Bossfight Theme” from Secret of Mana.
Bob!!!! Oh goddess!!!!! What have they done to you?!