
The Bean 504

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The Bean 505

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The Bean 506

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The Bean 510

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The Bean 511

I apologize right off the bat, if you posted a comment in the last ten episodes it might not be there. This is do to an small technical issue on importing that I hope to have fixed.  I feel really bad, but i think there should be no problems from now on. tra

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The Bean 512

Today we updated page 512 of my comic. What an accomplishment and still many more pages to go. So to celebrate here’s a special deal for those looking at picking up hard copies of my comic book series. Until August 30th, if you type in the code: SpecialBookdealVictoria you’ll get 15% off all Bean Comics […]

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The Bean 513

Hello-  we should have things back to normal- as for what normal is i am not sure. The slugs are off… but i checked and the sequence is correct. So it goes in order. This page hits kinda home for me. In more ways then one. I never realized I would be in a similar […]

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The Bean 514

Still struggling with a couple of comments not moving over to their correct pages- haven’t figured that yet. Other than that- we keep trudging along. Mind you this a rough… so there are grammar errors and spelling errors at times. When the books go to print this is all corrected

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The Bean 515

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Everything should be fixed now. If you have a problem please let me know so we can fix it. Also let me know what browser it is on as well.  Yet the site has been scrubbed clean:)  

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This has been a fun section to work on for me. It’s allowing me to look at the story more as a story than that of just a boy on a quest. We fixed the glitch-Sorry if you got redirected. Things are all clean on our end now- if you have any problems let me […]

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The Bean 519

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The Bean 520

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The Bean 521

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The Bean 522

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The Bean 523

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The Bean 524

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The Bean 527

Good morning – if you haven’t noticed yet- there have been some major changes here at Bean Leaf Press. Changes for the good. It has been a wild ride, all due to a hacker. Yet it has resulted in a more secure site with all my blogs, art pieces, and comics in one spot. Also […]

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The Bean 528

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The Bean 529

I do hope you are enjoying the new site. Still tweaking (not twerking) things here, but I am much happier. Also I hope you go to the home page. There is a ton of new art, new blogs, and some exciting news. Just trying to make things fun for everyone. Keep creating trav  

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The Bean 530

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The Bean 531

I can’t believe we are over 530 pages. Pretty awesome. Also we are still working out bugs and other issues – plus looking at ways to enhance the site even more. Your suggestions are much appreciated. Also I have several NEW shop talks up about comics, facebook and establishing yourself as an artist. You can […]

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The Bean 532

Good morning my young adventurers.  Just wanted to let everyone know that we are working hard on tweaking things here on the site. Including putting a button near the top of the page for all the fans of the comic.  I hope you also notice I am adding more shop talks and updating the old […]

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The Bean 533

  Good morning my young adventurers… A lot of fantastic things are happening. This weekend I will be at the Tucson Comic Con – if you are in the area come one by for some free sketches.  Also I have 11 pages left of my new story which I will sharing soon. It’s about bears, […]

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Good morning my young adventurers… I will be posting more about my Tucson adventure in it’s own post. Since i am traveling at the moment and I am not around my machince. If you want to read about my adventure- check out my blog postings on the home page. Keep Creating trav

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Hi Guys – back from a fantastic show in Tucson. Had a blast. Now working on several projects, including the coloring of several KS rewards, should take about 2 weeks to finish.  Also Setting up my show schedule for next year. Gonna have some fun. Also check out the new shop talks on the home […]

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The Bean 536

  So much good stuff happening. Some very cools things coming down the pipeline for the bean as well as for my art in general. Also have a good veterans day. Especially those that have the day off to remember the sacrifices those men and woman did so people could enjoy freedoms that are taken […]

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The Bean 537

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The Bean 538

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The Bean 539

Greetings Adventurers. Been a busy week which is good. Planning for my last show of the year. The Long Beach Comic Con. Should be a good time this weekend. If you are in the area come on by and hang out. Get a free sketch. Also posted a few new shop-talks on the home page. […]

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The Bean 540

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The Bean 541

Come join the party- trav

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